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See also:

  • All cardiovascular prevention clinical trials
  • All diabetes type 2 clinical trials
  • All clinical trials of HDL increasing drugs
  • All clinical trials of fenofibrate
     ACCORD lipid study, 2010 TRC10352 
    [NCT00000620] download pdf: fenofibrate | cholesterol lowering intervention for cardiovascular prevention


    Studied treatment fenofibrate on top simvastatin
    160 mg per day adjusted according to the estimated glomerular filtration rate
    Control treatment placebo (on top simvastatine)
    Remarks participants were also randomized to either intensive or standard glycemic control and to either intensive or standard blood-pressure control. Glycemic-control ACCORD study was stopped early, in February 2008, because of higher mortality in the intensive-glycemic-control group. All patients were then transferred to a standard glycemia-control regimen


    Patients high-risk patients with type 2 diabetes
    Inclusion criteria type 2 diabetes; glycated hemoglobin level of 7.5% or more; LDL cholesterol level of 60 to 180 mg per deciliter; HDL cholesterol level below 55 mg per deciliter for women and blacks or below 50 mg per deciliter for all other groups, and a triglyceride level below 750 mg per deciliter if they were not receiving lipid therapy or below 400 mg per deciliter (4.5 mmol per liter) if they were receiving lipid therapy; age between 40 to 79 y in case of evidence of clinical cardiovascular disease;

    Method and design

    Randomized effectives 2765 / 2753 (studied vs. control)
    Design Factorial plan
    Blinding double-blind
    Follow-up duration 4.7y
    Number of centre 77
    Geographic area United States and Canada
    Hypothesis Superiority
    Primary endpoint fatal cardiovascular events, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke


    Endpoint Studied treat.
    Control treat.
    Graph RR [95% CI]

    Cardiovascular death

    99 / 2765
    114 / 2753
    0,86 [0,66;1,13]

    stroke (fatal and non fatal)

    51 / 2765
    48 / 2753
    1,06 [0,72;1,56]

    All cause death

    203 / 2765
    221 / 2753
    0,91 [0,76;1,10]

    cardiovascular events

    291 / 2765
    310 / 2753
    0,93 [0,80;1,09]

    Coronary event

    332 / 2765
    353 / 2753
    0,94 [0,81;1,08]
    0 2 1.0

    Relative risks
    Endpoint Events (%) Relative Risk 95% CI Endpoint definition
    in the trial
    Studied treat. Control treat.
    stroke (fatal and non fatal) 51 / 2765 (1,8%) 48 / 2753 (1,7%) 1,06 [0,72;1,56]  
    cardiovascular events 291 / 2765 (10,5%) 310 / 2753 (11,3%) 0,93 [0,80;1,09] fatal and non ftala cardiovascular event 
    All cause death 203 / 2765 (7,3%) 221 / 2753 (8,0%) 0,91 [0,76;1,10]  
    Coronary event 332 / 2765 (12,0%) 353 / 2753 (12,8%) 0,94 [0,81;1,08] fatal coronary events, non fatla MI, unstable angina 
    Cardiovascular death 99 / 2765 (3,6%) 114 / 2753 (4,1%) 0,86 [0,66;1,13]  
    The primary endpoint (if exists) appears in blod characters
    Reference(s) used for data extraction:

    Endpoint studied treat. control treat. mean diff

    Absolute risk reduction (for a follow-up of 4.7y)
    Endpoint Events rate Absolute risk
    reduction (ARR)
    Studied treat. Control treat.
    stroke (fatal and non fatal) 1,84% 1,74% 0,10%
    cardiovascular events 10,52% 11,26% -0,74%
    All cause death 7,34% 8,03% -0,69%
    Coronary event 12,01% 12,82% -0,82%
    Cardiovascular death 3,58% 4,14% -0,56%

    Meta-analysis of all similar trials:

    cholesterol lowering intervention in cardiovascular prevention for all chronical situations

    cholesterol lowering intervention in cardiovascular prevention for diabetic patients

    cholesterol lowering intervention in diabetes type 2 for diabetic patients with or withour hypercholesterolemia

    HDL increasing drugs in cardiovascular prevention for all type of patients


    TrialResults-center ID TRC10352
    Trials register # NCT00000620
    Study web site link
    • . Effects of Combination Lipid Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.. N Engl J Med 2010 Mar 14;: - 10.1056/NEJMoa1001282
      Pubmed | Hubmed | Fulltext
    • . Effects of Medical Therapies on Retinopathy Progression in Type 2 Diabetes.. N Engl J Med 2010 Jun 29;: - 10.1056/NEJMoa1001288
      Pubmed | Hubmed | Fulltext
    • Ismail-Beigi F, Craven T, Banerji MA, Basile J, Calles J, Cohen RM, Cuddihy R, Cushman WC, Genuth S, Grimm RH Jr, Hamilton BP, Hoogwerf B, Karl D, Katz L, Krikorian A, O'Connor P, Pop-Busui R, Schubart U, Simmons D, Taylor H, Thomas A, Weiss D, Hramiak I. Effect of intensive treatment of hyperglycaemia on microvascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes: an analysis of the ACCORD randomised trial.. Lancet 2010 Jun 29;: - 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60576-4
      Pubmed | Hubmed | Fulltext

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