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This trial is included in the following systematic reviews and meta-analyses:

hypertension - strategy - all type of patients  

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HOT, 1994 - more intensive blood pressure lowering strategie vs less intensive blood pressure lowering strategie

MDRD, 1994 - more intensive blood pressure lowering strategie vs less intensive blood pressure lowering strategie

See also:

  • All hypertension clinical trials
  • All clinical trials of strategy
  • All clinical trials of more intensive blood pressure lowering strategie

    HOT study, 1994


    Studied treatment less or equal than 85 mmHg, or less or equal than 80 mmHg
    Control treatment less or equal than 90 mmHg
    Remarks factorial design: acetylsalicylic acid 75 mg daily vs placebo
    Treatments description
    Achieved systolic blood 140.5/143.7 
    Achieved diastolic blood pressure 82.1/85.2 


    Patients patients with diastolic blood pressure between 100 mmHg and 115 mmHg
    Exclusion criteria malignant hypertension, secondary hypertension, diastolic blood pressure > 115mmHg, stroke or myocardial infarction within 12 months prior to randomization, decompensated congestive heart failure, other serious concomitant diseases which could affect survival during the next 2-3 years, patients requiring a beta-blocker, ACE inhibitor or diuretic for reasons other, patients requiring antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy, and insulin treated diabetics

    Method and design

    Randomized effectives 12526 / 6264 (studied vs. control)
    Design Factorial plan
    Blinding open
    Follow-up duration 3.8 y
    Geographic area 26 countries


    Endpoint Studied treat.
    Control treat.
    Graph RR [95% CI]

    Cardiovascular death

    186 / 12526
    87 / 6264
    1,07 [0,83;1,38]

    stroke (fatal and non fatal)

    200 / 12526
    94 / 6264
    1,06 [0,83;1,36]

    Major cardiovascular events

    483 / 12526
    253 / 6264
    0,95 [0,82;1,11]

    All cause death

    401 / 12526
    188 / 6264
    1,07 [0,90;1,27]

    non cardiovascular death

    215 / 12526
    101 / 6264
    1,06 [0,84;1,35]

    Heart failure

    32 / 12526
    21 / 6264
    0,76 [0,44;1,32]
    0 2 1.0

    Relative risks
    Endpoint Events (%) Relative Risk 95% CI Endpoint definition
    in the trial
    Studied treat. Control treat.
    Cardiovascular death 186 / 12526 (1,5%) 87 / 6264 (1,4%) 1,07 [0,83;1,38]   11040 
    stroke (fatal and non fatal) 200 / 12526 (1,6%) 94 / 6264 (1,5%) 1,06 [0,83;1,36]   11040 
    Major cardiovascular events 483 / 12526 (3,9%) 253 / 6264 (4,0%) 0,95 [0,82;1,11]   11040 
    All cause death 401 / 12526 (3,2%) 188 / 6264 (3,0%) 1,07 [0,90;1,27]   11040 
    non cardiovascular death 215 / 12526 (1,7%) 101 / 6264 (1,6%) 1,06 [0,84;1,35]   11040 
    Heart failure 32 / 12526 (0,3%) 21 / 6264 (0,3%) 0,76 [0,44;1,32]   11040 
    The primary endpoint (if exists) appears in blod characters
    Reference(s) used for data extraction:
  • 11040: Arguedas JA, Perez MI, Wright JMTreatment blood pressure targets for hypertension.Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009;:CD004349

  • Endpoint studied treat. control treat. mean diff

    Absolute risk reduction
    Endpoint Events rate Absolute risk
    reduction (ARR)
    Studied treat. Control treat.
    Cardiovascular death 1,48% 1,39% 1,0‰
    stroke (fatal and non fatal) 1,60% 1,50% 1,0‰
    Major cardiovascular events 3,86% 4,04% -1,8‰
    All cause death 3,20% 3,00% 2,0‰
    non cardiovascular death 1,72% 1,61% 1,0‰
    Heart failure 2,55‰ 3,35‰ -0,8‰


    Trials register # NA
    • Hansson L, Zanchetti A, Carruthers SG, Dahl�f B, Elmfeldt D, Julius S, M�nard J, Rahn KH, Wedel H, Westerling S. Effects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: principal results of the Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) randomised trial. HOT Study Group.. Lancet 1998;351:1755-62
      Pubmed | Hubmed | Fulltext
    • Hansson L, Zanchetti A. The Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) Study: 24-month data on blood pressure and tolerability.. Blood Press 1997;6:313-7
      Pubmed | Hubmed | Fulltext
    • Hansson L, Zanchetti A. The Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) Study--patient characteristics: randomization, risk profiles, and early blood pressure results.. Blood Press 1994;3:322-7
      Pubmed | Hubmed | Fulltext
    • Zanchetti A, Hansson L, Dahl�f B, Elmfeldt D, Kjeldsen S, Kolloch R, Larochelle P, McInnes GT, Mallion JM, Ruilope L, Wedel H. Effects of individual risk factors on the incidence of cardiovascular events in the treated hypertensive patients of the Hypertension Optimal Treatment Study. HOT Study Group.. J Hypertens 2001;19:1149-59
      Pubmed | Hubmed | Fulltext

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