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See also:

  • All venous thrombosis clinical trials

    Agnelli study, 2001


    Studied treatment continuation for 9 additional months; warfarin or acenocoumarol adjusted to achieve a target INR between 2.0 and 3.0
    Control treatment discontinuation (after 3 months months)


    Inclusion criteria Patients ranging from 15 to 85 years old with a first episode of symptomatic idiopathic proximal deep venous thrombosis, as demonstrated by compression ultrasonography or venography; provided that they had completed three uninterrupted months of oral anticoagulant therapy without having a recurrence of thromboembolism or bleeding
    Exclusion criteria prolonged anticoagulant therapy for reasons other than venous thromboembolism; major psychiatric disorder; life expectancy shorter than two years;
    Baseline characteristics
    time of randomization 3 months 

    Method and design

    Randomized effectives NA / NA (studied vs. control)
    Design Parallel groups
    Blinding open
    Follow-up duration 33 months
    Number of centre 10
    Geographic area Italy
    Primary endpoint Recurrent VTE


    No results available for this trial - no clinical endpoint reported


    Trials register # NA
    • Agnelli G, Prandoni P, Santamaria MG, Bagatella P, Iorio A, Bazzan M, Moia M, Guazzaloca G, Bertoldi A, Tomasi C, Scannapieco G, Ageno W. Three months versus one year of oral anticoagulant therapy for idiopathic deep venous thrombosis. Warfarin Optimal Duration Italian Trial Investigators.. N Engl J Med 2001;345:165-9
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