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Systematic review and meta-analysis

This trial is included in the following systematic reviews and meta-analyses:

atrial fibrillation - antithrombotics - primary prevention of thromboembolic events

atrial fibrillation - new oral anticoagulants - all type of patients

Related trials

ENGAGE-AF TIMI 48 High dose, 2013 - edoxaban vs warfarin standard dose

AVERROES, 2011 - apixaban vs aspirin

ARISTOTLE, 2011 - apixaban vs warfarin standard dose

ROCKET-AF, 2010 - rivaroxaban vs warfarin standard dose

ACTIVE A, 2009 - aspirin + clopidogrel vs aspirin

RE-LY (150mg), 2009 - dabigatran 150mg vs warfarin standard dose

RE-LY (110mg), 2009 - dabigatran 110mg vs warfarin standard dose

Lip (phase 2 AZD0837), 2009 - AZD0837 vs warfarin standard dose

AMADEUS, 2008 - idraparinux vs warfarin standard dose

PETRO (150mg), 2007 - dabigatran 150mg vs warfarin standard dose

Japanese AF Trial, 2006 - aspirin vs control

ACTIVE W, 2006 - aspirin + clopidogrel vs anticoagulant

SPORTIF V, 2005 - ximelagatran vs warfarin standard dose

NASPEAF (triflusal vs coumadin standard dose)), 2004 - triflusal vs coumadin standard dose

NASPEAF (triflusal + coumadin medium dose vs coumadin standard dose), 2004 - triflusal+coumadin medium dose vs coumadin standard dose

NASPEAF (triflusal+coumadin medium dose vs triflusal), 2004 - triflusal+coumadin medium dose vs triflusal

SAFT(warfarin low dose + aspirin vs no treatment), 2003 - warfarin low dose + aspirin vs control

SPORTIF III, 2003 - ximelagatran vs warfarin standard dose

SPORTIF II (ximelagatran vs warfarin standard dose), 2002 - ximelagatran vs warfarin standard dose

PATAF (coumadin low dose vs coumadin standard dose), 1999 - coumadin low dose vs coumadin standard dose

PATAF (vs coumadin standard dose), 1999 - aspirin vs coumadin standard dose

LASAF(aspirin vs no treatment), 1999 - aspirin vs control

PATAF (vs coumadin low dose), 1999 - aspirin vs coumadin low dose

AFASAK II (aspirin vs warfarin low dose), 1998 - aspirin vs warfarin low dose

AFASAK II (warfarin low dose+aspirin vs warfarin standard dose), 1998 - warfarin + aspirin vs warfarin standard dose

See also:

  • All atrial fibrillation clinical trials
  • All clinical trials of new oral anticoagulants
  • All clinical trials of idraparinux
     AMADEUS study, 2008 TRC7223 
    [NCT00070655] download pdf: idraparinux | antithrombotics for atrial fibrillation


    Studied treatment subcutaneous idraparinux 2·5 mg weekly
    Control treatment adjusted-dose vitamin K antagonists (target of an international normalised ratio of 2–3)


    Patients patients with atrial fi brillation at risk for thromboembolism
    Inclusion criteria ECG-documented non-valvular atrial fi brillation and an indication for long-term anticoagulation based on the presence of at least one of the following risk factors: previous ischaemic stroke, transient ischaemic attack or systemic embolism, hypertension requiring drug treatment, left ventricular dysfunction, age over 75 years, or age 65–75 years with either diabetes mellitus or symptomatic coronary artery disease
    Baseline characteristics
    subgroup test

    Method and design

    Randomized effectives 2283 / 2293 (studied vs. control)
    Design Parallel groups
    Blinding open
    Follow-up duration 10.7 months
    Premature discontinuation Premature discontinuation for safety reason
    Hypothesis Non inferiority
    Primary endpoint all stroke and systemic embolism

    Remarks / Comments

    The trial was prematurely stopped because of excess clinically relevant bleeding with idraparinux


    Endpoint Studied treat.
    Control treat.
    Graph RR [95% CI]

    thrombo-embolic event (cerebral or systemic)

    18 / 1922
    27 / 2107
    0,73 [0,40;1,32]

    systemic thrombo-embolic complication

    0 / 1922
    2 / 2107
    classic 0,12 [0,00;7,59]

    ischemic stroke

    13 / 1922
    20 / 2107
    0,71 [0,36;1,43]

    All cause death

    62 / 1941
    61 / 2131
    1,12 [0,79;1,58]


    346 / 1756
    226 / 1994
    classic 1,74 [1,49;2,03]

    Major bleeding

    74 / 1908
    29 / 1994
    classic 2,67 [1,74;4,08]

    Fatal bleeding

    13 / 1941
    2 / 2131
    classic 7,14 [1,61;31,58]

    Fatal stroke

    0 / 1941
    1 / 2131
    classic 0,22 [0,00;16,08]

    TE event or ischemic stroke or systemic embolism

    18 / 1922
    27 / 2107
    0,73 [0,40;1,32]

    intracranial hemorrhage

    4 / 1922
    5 / 2107
    classic 0,88 [0,24;3,26]
    0 2 1.0

    Relative risks
    Endpoint Events (%) Relative Risk 95% CI Endpoint definition
    in the trial
    Studied treat. Control treat.
    thrombo-embolic event (cerebral or systemic) 18 / 1922 (0,9%) 27 / 2107 (1,3%) 0,73 [0,40;1,32]  
    systemic thrombo-embolic complication 0 / 1922 (0,0%) 2 / 2107 (0,1%) 0,27 [0,01;6,07]  
    ischemic stroke 13 / 1922 (0,7%) 20 / 2107 (0,9%) 0,71 [0,36;1,43]  
    All cause death 62 / 1941 (3,2%) 61 / 2131 (2,9%) 1,12 [0,79;1,58]  
    Bleeding 346 / 1756 (19,7%) 226 / 1994 (11,3%) 1,74 [1,49;2,03]  
    Major bleeding 74 / 1908 (3,9%) 29 / 1994 (1,5%) 2,67 [1,74;4,08]  
    Fatal bleeding 13 / 1941 (0,7%) 2 / 2131 (0,1%) 7,14 [1,61;31,58]  
    Fatal stroke 0 / 1941 (0,0%) 1 / 2131 (0,0%) 0,55 [0,02;16,35]  
    TE event or ischemic stroke or systemic embolism 18 / 1922 (0,9%) 27 / 2107 (1,3%) 0,73 [0,40;1,32]  
    intracranial hemorrhage 4 / 1922 (0,2%) 5 / 2107 (0,2%) 0,88 [0,24;3,26]  
    The primary endpoint (if exists) appears in blod characters
    Reference(s) used for data extraction:
  • 0:

  • Endpoint studied treat. control treat. mean diff

    Absolute risk reduction (for a follow-up of 10.7 months)
    Endpoint Events rate Absolute risk
    reduction (ARR)
    Studied treat. Control treat.
    thrombo-embolic event (cerebral or systemic) 9,37‰ 1,28% -0,34%
    ischemic stroke 6,76‰ 9,49‰ -0,27%
    All cause death 3,19% 2,86% 0,33%
    Bleeding 19,70% 11,33% 8,4%
    Major bleeding 3,88% 1,45% 2,4%
    Fatal bleeding 6,70‰ 0,94‰ 0,58%
    TE event or ischemic stroke or systemic embolism 9,37‰ 1,28% -0,34%
    intracranial hemorrhage 2,08‰ 2,37‰ -0,03%

    Meta-analysis of all similar trials:

    antithrombotics in atrial fibrillation for primary prevention of thromboembolic events

    new oral anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation for all type of patients


    TrialResults-center ID TRC7223
    Trials register # NCT00070655
    Study web site link ,
    • Bousser MG, Bouthier J, Büller HR, Cohen AT, Crijns H, Davidson BL, Halperin J, Hankey G, Levy S, Pengo V, Prandoni P, Prins MH, Tomkowski W, Thorp-Pedersen C, Wyse DG. Comparison of idraparinux with vitamin K antagonists for prevention of thromboembolism in patients with atrial fibrillation: a randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial.. Lancet 2008;371:315-21
      Pubmed | Hubmed | Fulltext

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